Tākiri Mai Te Ata

Tākiri Mai te Ata is a collective of seven health, education, justice and social service providers, in the Wellington, Porirua and the Hutt Valley regions that have been working together for 45 + years.

Whānau Ora is about whānau taking responsibility for whānau. It places whānau at the centre and empowers them to lead the development of solutions for their own transformation. The heart of Whānau Ora lies in building on whānau strengths and capability, growing whānau connections, supporting the development of whānau leadership and enhancing best outcomes for whānau.

The providers in the collective include: Kōkiri Marae Keriana Olsen Trust; Kōkiri Marae Māori Womens Refuge; Mana Wāhine; Nāku Ēnei Tamariki; Tū Kōtahi Māori Asthma Trust; Wainuiomata Marae; and Whai Oranga o te Iwi Health & Dental Centre, who work together collectively to realise the aspirations of Whānau Ora. 

  • Assisting Māori to support and maintain their social and cultural wellbeing
  • Identifying whānau needs and responding to them in the best way possible
  • Strengthening the ability of whānau to support their own
  • Recognising and utilising strengths within the whānau
  • Facilitate, advocate and support with extended whānau and agencies on behalf of the whānau


"Whakahokia te wairua me te mauri o te kaupapa ki te whānau, hapu, iwi"

 The way forward to achieving a future where whānau determine what is in their best interests

Takiri Mai te Ata Featured Services
Our Stories - Catch up on what's happening with the Research Projects that Tū Kotahi Māori Asthma Trust has been involved with.

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Enhance your Mauriora

Phone 0508 KOKIRI - [email protected]

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