Biofuel and Environmentally Friendly CarsBiofuel is a renewable fuel typically made from food crops, wood waste, or, as in New Zealand, from dairy industry by-products. Biofuel can either be petrol blended with a maximum of 10% bioethanol, or diesel blended with a maximum 5% biodiesel.
Biofuel benefits the environment because it burns more cleanly and reduces the amount of carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas emissions) produced by your car.
Code for CyclistsThe official New Zealand code for cyclists is a user-friendly guide to New Zealand's traffic law and safe driving practices.
Driving TestsPractice your driving theory test the most effective way using the latest official New Zealand Road Code theory questions.
EECA energywise- Electric VehiclesAn electric vehicle, or EV, has a different engine to a petrol or diesel fuelled car – it has a motor that is powered by a battery which is charged by plugging it into an electric power point (a bit like charging your cellphone battery).
Heavy Vehicle Road CodeThe official New Zealand road code for heavy vehicle drivers is a user-friendly guide to New Zealand's traffic law and safe driving practices. You will be tested on this information in your theory and practical driving tests.
Hybrid CarThe Pros and Cons of buying a hybrid car
Road CodeThe official New Zealand road code is a user-friendly guide to New Zealand's traffic law and safe driving practices. You will be tested on this information in your theory and practical driving tests.
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