The Collective
Each service identified within Tākiri Mai te Ata is an independent legal entity and has a separate Governance Board. The Managers of these organisations are wāhine Māori who are whānau orientated, visionary and committed to working together for the benefit of whānau. The collective brings together a range of iwi affiliations, networks and linkages, experience and expertise. The members of Tākiri Mai te Ata deliver a comprehensive range of services that span across health, education, welfare, justice and housing to complex and high needs populations.
Takiri Mai te Ata Takiri Mai te Ata provides services which invests in the transformation of whānau.
Click on a service below for more information and contact details. More... | |
Kōkiri Marae Keriana Olsen Trust > -
Mission Statement
The premises occupied by Kokiri Marae at 7–9 Barnes Street, Seaview was built by the American Government during the second world war as a storage shed and then later sold to the New Zealand Government.
In 1977 Kara Puketapu was appointed as the Secretary of Māori Affairs and was instrumental in implementing the Tū Tangata Policy. The policy centered on community based Māori development, the promotion of Māori cultural and economic advancement through encouraging self reliance and self determination.
Central to the initial Tū Tangata implementation, the approach was to set up a network of Kōkiri centres, the first of which was set up here at Kōkiri Seaview in 1979. As the First Kōkiri Centre, the focus was on working to address issues of unemployment, gangs, high involvement in the justice system, low academic achievement as well as cultural knowledge and participation in the economy. More... | |
Kōkiri Marae Māori Women's Refuge - Mission Statement
Violence free whānau, hapū me iwi and we work to support whānau
to develop safe and healthy environment's and choices
Kokiri Marae Māori Women's Refuge was established in the mid 90's, with the support and guidance of Kōkiri Marae and the Lower Hutt Women's Refuge and has been in operation as a legal entity since March 1997. It was identified that there was a need for Māori Women and whānau within the Hutt Valley Community to have culturally appropriate:
support services
educational programmes
Māori for Māori support for wāhine and tamariki living in and having been affected by whānau violence and/or abuse. We deliver a range of free and confidential services from our Resource Centre located at 57 Oxford Terrace, Lower Hutt, 5011.
Kokiri Marae Māori Women's Refuge is affiliated to The National Collective of Independent Women's Refuges.
Services Provided:
24 Hour Crisis Line
Safe House Accommodation
Advocacy Support
Court Support
Health Education
Play Therapy
Safety Planning
Programs and Counselling Available:
Whakaoho Wairua Living without Violence Group Program
Tamariki Ora Child Play Therapy
Wāhine Therapy Service
MANA WĀHINE Who are we?
We are a collective of Māori Health Providers from Kāpiti, Porirua,
Hutt Valley and Wairarapa. Hora Te Pai Health Services, Ora Toa Health Unit,
Kokiri Marae Health and Social Services, Koraunui Te Turuma Hauora
and Whaiora Whanui.
Caring for our wāhine
We empower wāhine to achieve Tino Rangatiratanga in their well-being.
We do this by providing them with support for regular cervical and breast screening.
What we provide
- Information on breast and cervical screening
- Assistance to enrol or make appointments
- Transport to appointments
- Indigenous female nurses
- Full and confidential support
- A positive experience
- And much more
FOR MORE INFO CLICK ON OUR WEBSITE: https://manawahine. More... | |
Nāku Ēnei Tamariki Inc. (NET) Māori Section - Nāku Ēnei Tamariki Inc. is a pro-active, intensive early intervention home visiting support service for young parents and their pepe. Established in 1993, NET operates three cultural units – Māori, Pacific Island and Pākehā. All services are confidential and free for whānau. More... | |
Working with whānau to promote
the understanding and
Management of asthma and other
Respiratory conditions
Click Home to go home
Asthma & Respiratory Services
Helping whānau manage their asthma
Bronchiolitis Services
Working with pēpi with respiratory conditions
Helping whānau manage their COPD
Click here for more details
Māori Research Framework
Well Homes
Well Homes helps whānau to live in a warm, dry, safe and healthy home.
For m ore information click on the link below.
Click here to take you to the Tu Kotahi Website
. More... | |
Wainuiomata Marae Trust
- This is a “community” based marae, whose mission is "for the people". Wainuiomata Marae was first registered as an incorporated society on the 4th April, 1973 and recently changed to a Trust in November 2008. From the 1970’s to the present, Wainuiomata Marae has been a focal point for local whānau, hapū and iwi. In 2006, Wainuiomata Marae set about exploring economic opportunities utilizing the marae and its people to sustain the marae facilities and rejuvenate support and participation in the marae.
To maintain, enhance and practice the concepts of Māori, including Te Reo (language), Tikanga (Customs), Kawa (Protocol), Taonga (Treasures), Tukuiho (Ancestral). More... | |
Whai Oranga Community Health Hub - We are a community owned and orientated service that delivers a community development model of healthcare in Wainuiomata. Health promotion and education is delivered in conjunction with the medical model of healthcare. Whai Oranga Community Health Hub provides services for a significant proportion of Māori ad Pacific people and Commuity Service Cardholders. The Health Centre was opened in June 2001.
Wharenui A powerful symbol of manaakitanga, caring for people physically and spiritually, this is the essence of Hauora Maori. More... | |
He Puāwai Trust - He Puāwai Trust is a partner of Tākiri Mai te Ata. He Puāwai Trust is focussed on building resilience in whenua, whānau and hapori through restoring and developing sustainable, local food systems. We are a values-led organisation that puts manaakitanga, mana motuhake and authentic Te Tiriti partnership at the heart of our mahi.
Whakapā Mai - Contact Us
Contact Person: Julia Milne
Phone: 027 372 3385
Website: https://hepuawaitrust.org/
Click Here to make a referral to one of our service . More... | |
Whaiora Whānui ki Wairarapa - Whaiora delivers a range of health and social services within the Wairarapa community. They are a Whānau Ora lead provider. In addition, they were instrumental in the establishment of Ko Te Aroha Early Childhood Education Centre.
Whakapā Mai - Contact Us
Contact Person: Trinny Ruhe
Phone: 0800 494 246
Website: https://www.whaiora. More... | |
Te Hauora Runanga o Wairarapa - Te Hauora Runanga o Wairarapa was established in 1985 as a community support service for Māori Health in the Wairarapa region. It grew from initiatives developed by Māori Health workers seeking to establish a more focussed approach to the delivery of community health services. Te Hauora has maintained extensive networks, both with Māori and non-Māori providers and community, and it adopts a 'kaupapa Māori; approach to support.
Ngā Ratonga - Services
Alcohol & Other Drugs
Mental Health/Oranga Hinengaro
Rongoā /Mirimiri
Whānau Ora Kaiarahi
Youth Peer Support
YDP (Youth Development Programme)
Ngā Kete - A continuum of wellbeing support, treatment, therapy and promotes early detection and intervention for mental health and addiction issues.
Out of Gate - Assist the reintegration of tangata that have served time of been in remand at any prison within the Wellinton, Wairarapa, Manawatū area. More... |