Takiri Mai Te Ata Regional Stop Smoking Service

Contact person: Karen Tutaki
Address: 7-9 Barnes St, Seaview, Lower Hutt 5010

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Ngā Whakamārama - Service Description

As a Whānau Ora provider our Takiri Mai te Ata (TMTA) Regional Stop Smoking Service places whānau at the centre of all that we do and empowers whanau to lead the development of solutions for their own transformation.

The members of TMTA Stop Smoking Service are committed to working together to realise the government’s goal of Smokefree Aotearoa 2025. 

Kokiri Marae Keriana Olsen Trust Regional Stop Smoking Service provides cessation services in the Hutt Valley, Wellington, Porirua up to Kapiti Coast. Whai Ora Whanui Trust provides cessation services to the Wairarapa Region.

We welcome you no matter who you are, and where you are from. We know that quitting is hard – Our Regional Stop Smoking service is designed to meet your needs, and give you the best chance of quitting and staying smoke-free.

Benefits include:

  • intensive one-on-one support with a qualified ‘quit coach’
  • home visits, workplace support and community clinics
  • free nicotine replacement therapy
  • information about other quit smoking products and services
  • A complementary approach to the Quitline services that offers 24/7 support.

Mā wai tēnei ratonga? Who can access this serivce?

Our free Stop Smoking service is available to everyone in the wider Wellington, Wairarapa, Kapiti, Hutt Valley, and Porirua region.

Whakapā mai- Who to contact for more information

Ask your GP, midwife or other health practitioner to refer you. We encourage pregnant women to participate in our Hapu Mama incentivised programme especially designed for them and their whanau – 

Start your journey towards being smoke-free today:

To access the service call our free 24 hour line 0800 926257 or

Kokiri Marae

Karen Tūtaki 04 939 4630

Wairarapa 06 3700818

  • Complete the Contact Form to have someone call you back
  • Click Here to make a referral to one of our services
  • Like us on our Facebook

What is Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)?

NRT provides a safe, controlled way of administering nicotine without all the other harmful chemicals contained in cigarettes smoke. It is shown to double your chances of quitting successfully over going cold turkey. NRT is safe to use in pregnancy and is recommended to prevent harm to the unborn baby from smoking.

  • The nicotine skin patch is designed to deliver a background level of nicotine.
  • Nicotine chewing gum, nasal spray or inhalers deliver it more quickly and can be used when you get a sudden urge for a cigarette.
  • The patches and gums come in different strengths to suit you.
  • The objective is to stop cigarettes as soon as you start NRT and then reduce the use of NRT over about 8-12 weeks, to gently wean yourself off your dependence on nicotine.

What are other Non-nicotine quit treatments?

Non-nicotine quit treatments reduce the negative sensations of nicotine withdrawal so you do not miss having a cigarette so badly. It also blocks the pleasant sensations of smoking so having a cigarette is less enjoyable.

  • Bupropion(Zyban®) helps reduce intense withdrawal symptoms from nicotine. Available on prescription only.
  • Varenicline(Champix®) works by blocking the nicotine receptors in the brain, making cigarettes less pleasurable.  Ask your doctor if you are eligible for a fully funded 12-week Champix course.
  • Nortriptyline(Norpress®) helps reduce negative nicotine withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety and stress. Available on prescription only. 

Non-nicotine medications must be prescribed by your doctor. They can be useful, and your doctor will explain how to use them. Non-nicotine medications are not suitable for pregnant women.

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Takiri Mai Te Ata Regional Stop Smoking Service

Takiri Mai Te Ata Regional Stop Smoking Service Home

Contact person: Karen Tutaki
Address: 7-9 Barnes St, Seaview, Lower Hutt 5010

Ngā Whakamārama - Service Description

As a Whānau Ora provider our Takiri Mai te Ata (TMTA) Regional Stop Smoking Service places whānau at the centre of all that we do and empowers whanau to lead the development of solutions for their own transformation.

The members of TMTA Stop Smoking Service are committed to working together to realise the government’s goal of Smokefree Aotearoa 2025. 

Kokiri Marae Keriana Olsen Trust Regional Stop Smoking Service provides cessation services in the Hutt Valley, Wellington, Porirua up to Kapiti Coast. Whai Ora Whanui Trust provides cessation services to the Wairarapa Region.

We welcome you no matter who you are, and where you are from. We know that quitting is hard – Our Regional Stop Smoking service is designed to meet your needs, and give you the best chance of quitting and staying smoke-free.

Benefits include:

  • intensive one-on-one support with a qualified ‘quit coach’
  • home visits, workplace support and community clinics
  • free nicotine replacement therapy
  • information about other quit smoking products and services
  • A complementary approach to the Quitline services that offers 24/7 support.

Mā wai tēnei ratonga? Who can access this serivce?

Our free Stop Smoking service is available to everyone in the wider Wellington, Wairarapa, Kapiti, Hutt Valley, and Porirua region.

Whakapā mai- Who to contact for more information

Ask your GP, midwife or other health practitioner to refer you. We encourage pregnant women to participate in our Hapu Mama incentivised programme especially designed for them and their whanau – 

Start your journey towards being smoke-free today:

To access the service call our free 24 hour line 0800 926257 or

Kokiri Marae

Karen Tūtaki 04 939 4630

Wairarapa 06 3700818

  • Complete the Contact Form to have someone call you back
  • Click Here to make a referral to one of our services
  • Like us on our Facebook

What is Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)?

NRT provides a safe, controlled way of administering nicotine without all the other harmful chemicals contained in cigarettes smoke. It is shown to double your chances of quitting successfully over going cold turkey. NRT is safe to use in pregnancy and is recommended to prevent harm to the unborn baby from smoking.

  • The nicotine skin patch is designed to deliver a background level of nicotine.
  • Nicotine chewing gum, nasal spray or inhalers deliver it more quickly and can be used when you get a sudden urge for a cigarette.
  • The patches and gums come in different strengths to suit you.
  • The objective is to stop cigarettes as soon as you start NRT and then reduce the use of NRT over about 8-12 weeks, to gently wean yourself off your dependence on nicotine.

What are other Non-nicotine quit treatments?

Non-nicotine quit treatments reduce the negative sensations of nicotine withdrawal so you do not miss having a cigarette so badly. It also blocks the pleasant sensations of smoking so having a cigarette is less enjoyable.

  • Bupropion(Zyban®) helps reduce intense withdrawal symptoms from nicotine. Available on prescription only.
  • Varenicline(Champix®) works by blocking the nicotine receptors in the brain, making cigarettes less pleasurable.  Ask your doctor if you are eligible for a fully funded 12-week Champix course.
  • Nortriptyline(Norpress®) helps reduce negative nicotine withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety and stress. Available on prescription only. 

Non-nicotine medications must be prescribed by your doctor. They can be useful, and your doctor will explain how to use them. Non-nicotine medications are not suitable for pregnant women.

Phone 0508 KOKIRI - [email protected]

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