Our Framework

Our core values are illustrated in the tohu of the manu. Te Reo, Tūrangawaewae, Rangatiratanga, Whānaungatanga, Tikanga, Mana, Manaakitanga, Tamariki, Tupuna/Whakapapa, Wairua, Aroha, Kaumātua, and Kaitiakitanga.

They are underpinning principles and beliefs that when woven together, provide a foundation for us to work alongside whānau in recognising their wealth, encouraging them to take charge of their lives and eventually taking flight on a journey towards the achievement of their own dreams and aspirations.

We will deliver quality services that respond to the cultural, social, economic and environmental needs of whānau. It is not a task we can do alone.

To really make a difference, we must team up with whānau, hapū and iwi, Māori and community service providers, central and local government and the Non-Government organisation (NGO) sector.

Shifting from a service delivery model to an approach that is whānau centered which is demonstrated through an expression of our values and tikanga.

It recognises the rights and reciprocal obligations consistent with being part of a wider whānau and strengthens existing engagements that whānau currently have with services through the expression of aroha, hospitality, generosity and mutual respect.


Me mahi tahi tātau, ka ora ai te iwi

Working together as one

Phone 0508 KOKIRI - [email protected]

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